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作 者: 来 源: 太阳gg平台地址 发布时间: 2024-04-22 点击次数: 56

      学院将选拔 5 位博士和 5 位硕士研究生于 8月赴美国斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校、美国华盛顿大学等世界顶尖实验室和知名 IT 公司交流,为期 14 天。学院将提供相应额度的经费资助,欢迎同学们踊跃报名,报名时间截止本周六(4月27日)中午12:00。


1. 英语水平符合下列要求之一: CET6≥530;TOEFL(iBT score)≥90;IELTS≥6.5;

2. 英文能力要求 Requirements for students applying for the trip to visit USA

  • Strong English Communication Skills: 

    As we are traveling in USA, each student should be able to read and follow local regulations. We also need to have effective conversations there. You need to be able to order food, order taxicab when needed. You need to do that in English.

  • Strong Technical Knowledge:

    As we are visiting top universities and tech companies, each student should be ready to actively participate in the technical exchanges. Each should be able to describe our work verbally and ask questions to stimulate discussion. Each student should always be communicating in a professional manner.

  • Team Player: 

    As we are traveling as a group, each student should be ready to step up to help whenever needed, e.g., watch out for each other as the crime rate in USA has been rising.

Interviews will be scheduled to select the students to join the trip. The interviews will be conducted in English. The requirements described above would be the evaluation criteria.



项目联系人:柳老师 13034604551 liudz@zju.edu.cn  周老师 15365310723 zqzhou97@zju.edu.cn